Friday, April 23, 2021

Mortal Kombat (2021) Review


"Mortal Kombat" is the fourth movie based on the popular video game franchise and is mainly a reboot of the original game's story, taking place before the tournament begins. We are quickly introduced to fan favorites such as Sonya Blade and Lui Kang but also a newcomer to the series named Cole who is part of a mystical prophecy saying he will unite the warriors of Earthrealm in the upcoming Mortal Kombat tournament.

For having a short length and fast pace, the movie introduces a lot of characters which is commendable but sadly commits previous film sins by giving them little to no time to develop or even for fans to get enough joy out of seeing their favorites on screen before their time is cut short. Not to spoil too much but several fighters are either obscure picks to be used as fatality fodder or some of the more well known ones are taken down only for a plot convenient line of dialog is used to pretty much hint that they'll be returning for the sequel. This does make it feel a bit lazy and shallow but in the end this is "Mortal Kombat" so it's not like I expected Shakespeare.

While the story and somewhat disjointed pace are pretty big flaws in "Mortal Kombat" I'm happy to say that the action and fights are excellent. They're well choreographed and shot so that you can see each hit and hear every blow and they weren't kidding on including the series' infamous fatalities. Some of the more popular are here and never shy away once, this is full on R-rated MK (though they may have exaggerated on how graphic they are for PR sake). The acting in this is also higher quality than I expected and the script has loads of funny lines that always got a chuckle from me. 

"Mortal Kombat" knows what it is and what the audience wants from it: gory action and fun popcorn entertainment. It's a shame the story couldn't be more focused like the games but hopefully we'll see that sequel (or sequels if a recent interview is to be believed). I highly recommend you see it in theaters for the best experience (or IMAX if available) however you can also view it through HBO Max as well. Check it out for a fun time and if you're like me be sure to look out for the dozen or so Easter Eggs I caught during my viewing.


I also reviewed the first three MK movies, which I have HERE, HERE, & HERE for your enjoyment. Thank you for your support on this silly little hobby I do.

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