"Mortal Kombat Legends" is a retelling of the original MK story told from the perspective of series icon Scorpion. It is the first full length animation in the series and the first in the film franchise to receive an 'R' rating. This does bring the spirit of the games better but is it an overall better film?
In what seems to be an attempt at being a series of character themed features, the Netherrealm specter Scorpion becomes the main focus rather than the heroes of Earthrealm, even causing huge plot holes and continuity errors with his actions. In all fairness, the series is no stranger to timeline manipulation as recently seen with the release of "Mortal Kombat 11" so it's easy enough to write "Scorpion's Revenge" as one of many multiverse stories told in this franchise.
As for the movie itself, Warner Home Media again provides high quality animation seen in their DC Comics adaptations as well as some stellar voice talent. The characters are all well done though its a shame many are somewhat sidelined due to the change in focus such as Sonya Blade & Jax Briggs but the story overall will be a familiar one to fans but will likely leave casual audiences with many questions. The issue with the movies overall seemed to be that they didn't explain the world or its rules very clearly while going through them this past week, something I hope will be remedied in the upcoming new release and changing the story around like this isn't helping things either.
This may just be a theory of mine, but I have a feeling that everything was changed so drastically because the live-action reboot was originally slated for a 2020 release, just months after this one. This leads me to believe that this was a promotional film of sorts that got a smaller release due to the COVID-19 pandemic hence why they wanted it to stand out as to avoid spoilers for the new film though this again is merely speculation.
"Scorpion's Revenge" overall has little to discuss that wasn't already in previous entries. Aside from the well done animation and voice talent, this is the same fun action flick you saw in the 1995 film but with the gore and carnage turned way up to 11. I would rate it just above that flick and give it a high recommendation.
You can read my two other reviews for "Mortal Kombat" HERE & HERE.
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