"The Batman" has officially wrapped production. The long delayed new film in Warner Bros' DC universe has now entered post-production and director Matt Reeves has taken to his Instagram & Twitter to celebrate. Showing off the final scene shot along with some props and other goodies some of which we've seen before in the trailer. We hope this means another look at the film is on the way sooner rather than later.
Not only did Reeves celebrate the end of production, but Jeffery Wright also took to his social media.
"Gordon out...for now", Wright posted today. The actor is also set to star as Jim Gordon in the HBO Max spin off show Gotham PD which is also currently in production. Needless to say for those following the film's production, it was quite the struggle getting it in the can. The film began shooting all the way back in January 2020 but was quickly shut down amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Production would soon start back up but rumors of on set drama and even the possibility of star Robert Pattinson testing positive for the virus. Thankfully, most of these proved false and the film managed to smooth things out and the film has now been scheduled for a 2022 release.
"The Batman" takes place in year two of Batman’s crusade against crime. Robert Pattinson stars as the Caped Crusader himself, Bruce Wayne/Batman, leading a cast that also includes Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman; Paul Dano as The Riddler; Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon; John Turturro as Carmine Falcone; Peter Sarsgaard as Gil Colson, Gotham’s district attorney; Jayme Lawson as Bella Reál, a mayoral candidate in Gotham; Andy Serkis as Alfred; and Colin Farrell as the Penguin.
The film will release March 4, 2022.
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